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SixDays Budapest November 2024 GM

Last update 27.11.2024 18:02:42, Creator/Last Upload: Tamas Gyomber

Starting rank list of players

6IMCosta, Leonardo16213955GER2501
4GMKraus, Tomas331708CZE2457
10GMMirzoev, Azer13400304AZE2454
1FMPanesar, Vedant35033018IND2441
3GMCvek, Robert307424CZE2437
7Peng, Hongchi8609047CHN2387
5FMNguyen, Quoc Hy12410853VIE2367
9FMBodrogi, Bendeguz790303HUN2358
2FMLim, Zhuo Ren5702488MAS2306
8CMGrebennikov, Nikolai A.4121988FID2220